My Hip Rehabilitation
As promised in my post Strategic Retreat this is the combination of exercises I have been doing to restore function to my right hip. After roughly 2 weeks of performing these exercises about every second day the pain I experience in my right hip while lifting has significantly decreased to the point that it no longer limits my weight increases. All credit to this routine goes to Dr. Jordan Shallow and the mind pump tv youtube channel . One thing I like in particular about this routine is that it addresses multiple parts of the hip in an attempt to balance the joint. I find this is a much better approach than just mercilessly attacking the one muscle that is believed to be the issue. A more functional approach to the hip is like casting a bigger net, increasing your chances of getting to the cause of the dysfunction. Part 1: Hip Adductor Release Tight hip adductors is common in both runners and lifters. One misconception when attempting to release muscles is only addressing thei...