
So there are two main components to the prevention of over training injuries during this 4 month period. The first is Chiropractic adjustments and the second is the use of Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy (ESWT) also known as radial pulse shockwave. Some other modalities may be included as the need arises. Let's talk about usage.

Throughout training I have been getting adjusted twice a week. My favorite time to get adjusted is right after my leg day ideally within a few hours of leaving the gym. I find that the muscle soreness is instantly reduced and my delayed muscle soreness is also less intense. This allows me to keep a high level of intensity between rest days. I also incorporate Kinesio taping in my training which I will post more indepth about later.

Atleast once a week I have been receiving treatments with shockwave therapy. I plan these around my training schedule usually trying to have it after a heavy day so that my body has some recovery time. Shockwave is one of the newer treatment modalities but with it's building body of evidence stacking up I believe it will soon be the first course of action for many soft tissue injuries. Traditionally Shockwave is used once an injury has occurred. We have been using it preemptively so during the week through my workouts I pay attention to areas that seem to be restricted. Those are the areas I later have shockwave done on.


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