Running and Lifting
Elk Island Run #2 The last two runs have been much more successful since the first. The biggest change was introducing electrolyte mix into my camel pack and carrying more nutrition on me. Here is a quick over view of my first three runs. Run Distance Time Pace Elevation 1 River valley 21km 3:12:45 9:11/km 408m 2 Elk island 20km 2:27:41 7:14/km 224m 3 River valley 29km 3:49:13 7:54/km 474m Along with breaking my speed record for most distances during these last two weeks I also broke my dead lift personal record from when I was training for football able to do 380lb for two sets of 4 a few days before my last run. This is a very promising sign that our theory is going in line with our projections. Elk Island run #2 Day after my runs the main pain that is noticeable is coming from lateral knee joi...