The August Plan!

August brings the concurrent phase of training when the feet hit the trail. Our strength goal for July was to be in the territory of 275lb 1RM front squat, 400lb 1RM back squat and 400lb 1RM dead lift. I feel that we surpassed in dead lift, fell a little short in back squat and hit it on front squat so overall it was very successful. Now the goal is to maintain strength for the next 7 weeks as best we can while also cranking on the neglected cardiovascular system.

Holy cow we are going to run. First run is August 7 and our goal is between 25-35km on the trail.

Bike 15-25km

Hill intervals continue

Rowing/Stairclimbing interval working on V02

1- 500m x6 60sec rest
2- 800m-700m-600m-500m-400m-300m 60 sec rests
 Max speed to 2000m goal under 8min (current best 7:15)

Dead lift 4x4
Hip Flexor 4x10
Good Morning 4x10
Glute med walk 4x20m
Dorsi Hops 4x20
Skipping Rope 3min on 1 min off repeat

This plan is built so that I do not have two weight bearing days back to back allowing some recovery between those sessions.


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